Treasure Island is a Chicago foofy-food store that seems to be similar in concept to Trader Joe’s except not as cheap. Decent but not comprehensive selection. They had good chopped liver spread in their deli case, but the real find is the smoked salmon trim — 8 bucks for a pound of smoked salmon bits. If you don’t care about having a nice pretty side or uniform slices for presentation, this stuff is just what you need. Good quality salmon, great price. I put mine into pasta with dill, shallot, black pepper & a bit of the creme fraiche. Yum yum, fantastic summer dinner and still a big pile of salmony goodness left for the rest of the week. I had a photo of it, but i never downloaded it and I’m off for vacation soon, so sadly y’all are gonna have to live text only for now.
Author: foodnerd
Portillo’s italian beef
On the way home from a client today I stopped for a quick lunch at Portillo’s in Addison IL. It wasn’t bad, nice tender meat and crunchy spicy pickled peppers & carrots on a standard-issue french bread roll. I see now what sets Johnny’s Italian Beef above the rest though — their gravy is more herbal, more savory, and you can adjust the amount of it so you can really soak that sucker down into a mushy puddle of flavor, so that the WHOLE SANDWICH oozes that dreamy flavor without the intrusion of any bread blandness whatsoever. Plus it has loads more atmosphere — Portillo’s was one of those annoyingly self-aware “retro” places with lots of random mid-century reproduction signs and an old gas pump, etc. as decor.
food people are just nicer
I’m sitting here watching The Next Food Network Star, and despite the fact that it should be either Hans or Susannah winning this shindig, I have to say that it is striking how much nicer these people are than your average reality/competition show star. I’ve been catching bits and parts of StripSearch, where studly boys duke it out to be part of the next Vegas male-stripper revue, and almost none of them seem in any way like someone you might want to meet, and they’re already scheming and whining. These food people have been nothing but nice, both in general and to each other, even in the middle of what is clearly a giant stressfest. I hope that more than one of them ends up with a cooking show within the next year. Add this to the fact that food bloggers seem to be across the board warm and friendly folks, and you have to wonder — are cooks just better people?
(ps — the eventual winner of the contest was consistently the most annoying through the entire contest, but yet their pilot was completely great and I would totally watch their show. What did the judges see that the program editors didn’t show us?)
coke zero: dopey name, boon for dieters
Coke Zero, the new product attempting to mimic Pepsi One, does not suck at all. In fact, though as a loather of Pepsi and daughter of a diehard Coke-head, it pains me to say so, Pepsi One did not suck either — it tastes just like real Coke with sugar and caffeine. I often yearned for it to be in the vending machines as a commonplace, just as ubiquitous as the mostly crappy but tolerable Diet Coke. I will probably continue to yearn just as much even though there’s now a Coke option as well that has no calories but still tastes damned close to The Real Thing ™, but a girl can dream.
kitchen lessons
beets with tarragon, not so good. the flavor is weird — tarragon is better on chicken and in moosewood-style gazpacho.
yukon gold potatoes with dill & creme fraiche, really really good. YUM.
indiana buffalo ribeye, strongly flavored but quite tasty.
beet greens with onion & mustard seed, fine but meh. only used mustard seed because bizarrely there is no mustard in this house, but it didn’t lend much flavor. I probably should have thought of it before i started cooking, so i could have toasted the seeds in oil.
have you guessed? I went to the farmer’s market. *grin*
weirdly appealing
Leftover rice topped with a bunch of sriracha and some cheddar cheese is bizarrely delicious and satisfying. It’s better if there’s a fried egg involved as well as it was earlier in the week (hmm, does this count as an eomeote entry?), but when dashing out the door en route to a dinnertime flight, this gets the job done and right quick.
japanese teatime treat
Our friend T returned recently from a trip to Japan, and he brought us a present of some sort of dessert. It was beautifully packaged and well labeled, but exclusively in Japanese, so we had no idea what it might be. Last night we busted it out to go with some of the A-number 1 tip-top grade green tea that tallasiandude brought back from China.
The dessert present turned out to be crumbly white filling wrapped inside a thin layer of sweet pink ume paste, wrapped in a sweetened red shiso leaf. These were accompanied by a block of the same pink paste, with a cute little serving knife, so you could cut off thin strips and lay them over the little leaf packets. They were fantastically delicate and delicious, with the strongly perfumed shiso blending with the sweet and fruity plum paste and almost almondy dry filling, and they were perfect with the grassy green tea. Now, I like a gooey choco-treat every now and again, don’t get me wrong, but when it comes right down to it, I prefer Asian-style sweets much more. They’re subtler, less cloying, and often more interestingly flavored.
hubba hubba
Holy Shitake’s post about how to use bacon to make baklava better than you ever imagined possible. Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my keyboard.
fathers’ day fishfest
My brother sent a whole filleted Copper River salmon to my father for Fathers’ Day, with strict instructions for cooking the treasure. Being generous and kind, the parents brought the fishy to my house in Waltham to share. Yay!
We fired up the weber kettle and oiled the fish lightly, and laid it out whole on the grill, skin side down, and tented it with foil. We were told not to touch it whatsoever until such time as it was starting to flake and there was a thin line of dark red (raw) still running down the middle, and then to remove it from the coals, tent it again on the platter, and let it sit a few minutes, then eat. It came out perfectly cooked, tender, moist, flavorful. Just lovely. We had it with russet potatoes and vidalia onions roasted in foil in the coals, garden asparagus, challah rolls (from Costco, and yummy), and mixed salad, again from the gardens. We also had a starter course of sauteed chinese cabbage, shiitake mushrooms, and mung bean vermicelli, cooked in a bit of chicken broth & soy sauce.
Dessert was a bit of a disaster (I guess it runs in the family), since Mom’s blueberry cupcakes failed to rise, and her intended frosting of vanilla sauce (which I had bought for Dad some years ago; it got hidden in the cupboards & forgotten) turned out to not only be stale, but to have been revolting in the first place — super thick and sticky, kind of like plastic. But there was ice cream, and the cupcakes tasted good once you scraped off the nasty goo. Happy Fathers’ Day!
heed this warning, all ye who fly
at least all ye who fly through LaGuardia. DO NOT eat at the chinese buffet in the foodcourt in the US Airways terminal. Trust me on this. My weekend in Ithaca involved more Gas-X and bathroom time than beer & socializing. Urgh.