My dad gave me a bunch of his spring onions from the garden, and I thought it would be nice to grill them as they do in Spain, and serve them with some romesco sauce… as they do in Spain.
They came out rather good, really, delicious even on their own without the sauce, picking up a nutty smoky aspect in just a few minutes on the flames. They only need to be on there, over a moderate heat, for long enough to soften and go brown in spots. I put mine so that the white parts were on the hot part where the steak was cooking, with the green parts trailing off to the colder part of the grill, which worked beautifully.
The romesco sauce was loosely based on this recipe but really turned out to be:
1 roasted red pepper
5 or 6 big grape tomatoes, raw
slice of wheat toast
1 large clove garlic (should have been more but I ran out)
big handful of slivered almonds
sprinkle of salt
hot paprika, smoked paprika, and some crushed red pepper flakes
glugs of olive oil and sherry vinegar to make it smooth and runny
Being lazy as you know, I just ran all that together in the food processor to make a sauce. Lovely!
And because it really is springtime, solstice notwithstanding, we also had peas and white turnips braised in butter. I cooked the turnip and older peas in salted butter and water, then threw in the younger peas once it was well cooled down with only a little residual heat. Delicious, though perhaps a little too delicate a companion for the romesco… but you cook what you got.
phở gà
I’ve been reading Fat: An Appreciation of a Misunderstood Ingredient, with Recipes, which by the way you should run out and buy, and in it I learned that science has recently proven that a compound in chicken fat, specifically chicken fat, strengthens the human immune response. Your Jewish gramma wasn’t just whistling Dixie. We knew this anecdotally, since tallasiandude responds really well to chicken soup when sick, but it was cool to see the science behind it.
Anyway, in an effort to fight off the illness we both can’t shake, we have been eating a LOT of chicken soup in this house lately. Like 3 big batches in the last week and a half. And though I do adore the tallasiandude’s recipe for chicken vegetable soup, there’s apparently only so much I can eat at a go. So I decided I would make chicken pho for the next batch, and see if I could pull it off.
I googled (thanks to Andrea Nguyen’s post for the correct Viet characters which I shamelessly copied and pasted, and to Steamy Kitchen’s post for the recipe I followed), ran out for ginger and bean sprouts, and had at it while I was working today.
It came out OK, but it wasn’t even CLOSE to flavorful enough. It smelled absolutely dreamy, but the taste wasn’t anywhere near that heady, strong, savory luxury that I love in pho ga.
I could maybe put in more onion, but really I followed the recipe almost exactly. The only thing I can think of is that I didn’t hack up the chicken with a cleaver, therefore depriving my broth of all the bone marrow. Steamy Kitchen makes a point of going on at some length about the marrow and what it adds to the broth. But to be completely honest, I am not the most coordinated girl and I am scared of cleavers. I get the willies watching the guys in the Chinese market hacking stuff up, and those guys know what they’re doing.
Maybe I can get a really sharp cleaver, and hold down the object to be cloven with a long meat fork or something.
Because even though it was certainly edible and warming with lime and sriracha added to it, the pallidness of my phở gà just made me sad. Something has to be done, at least until someone opens up a Vietnamese restaurant within 5 miles of my house. Anyone? Anyone?
believe the hype
This weekend we were at the All Balboa Weekend in Cleveland, which was wicked fun as usual. We did a lot of dancing, learned stuff, and made cool new friends, yay!
But the dark underside of all this sunny joy is the food one eats while at such an event. We brought some hardboiled eggs and some dried cherries and almonds, but that’s about all we could manage on short notice and without checking luggage. We had no car, so we were limited to what we could walk to in between classes, which was basically a Walgreens and a constellation of chain restaurants. There were lecture-style classes during lunch, so there wasn’t much option to go out for lunch if you were interested in the class topic.
We bought some Wonder Bread, Skippy Natural and Squeezable Smucker’s Strawberry at the Walgreens, so we could have PB+J for breakfasts along with the eggs. The PB had palm oil and sugar added to it, and the J had hi fructose corn syrup in it, and the squish bread was basically just a puffy cushion to keep the sticky stuff off your fingers. Between all the extra sugar and the total lack of fiber, these PBJs tasted OK but made us feel kind of icky. We supplemented with milk, eggs and/or that trail mix, but it wasn’t enough.
We ate hotel food, hot dogs and cold ham sandwiches for lunches, and one buffet breakfast of fruit, juice, pale “wheat” toast and bacon. Not much better, frankly, especially when one is dancing for hours on end burning calories like a maniac. The gala dinner buffet is just wretched, and I need to remember next year to email friends ahead of time and plan ahead to skip it and go out to the Thai place hidden away in the nearest strip mall instead.
And we ate at Red Robin, Gourmet Burgers and Spirits. I’d never been to one, so I wanted to try it out. Unfortunately it is one of those places encrusted with flair, desperately flailing to borrow character from advertisements and popular culture everywhere. Very nearly every worker in the building came over to ask us how everything was, and I am ashamed to say that the last guy got the full force of my Northeastern Bostonian reaction. My burger was pretty dry, despite chipotle mayo, onion strings, blue cheese and steak sauce, but tallasiandude’s was actually pretty good, being a plainer style and having egg and bacon on top. The bottomless (!) fries made me sad, because they were the thick steak-fry style and soggy to boot. Why do people like this style of fry? They are NOT GOOD. NOT GOOD, I am telling you. Sigh.
And then in the airport, I needed to eat a full meal so as not to feel barfy on the airplane, which meant that against my better judgement I ate a chicken quesadilla and a buffalo wing. There was supposed to be beans and corn, but there were about 5 of each wedged in with the vast chunks of spongy industrial chicken. I was full enough to fly safely, but I felt so nasty the rest of the night. I couldn’t even eat the delicious pea pod stems and dried scallop fried rice we bought on the way home from the airport.
The point of all this is to say that we both became highly aware of the way we felt physically after even a few meals of completely industrial, commonplace American food. My position on such things is primarily intellectual and hedonistic, generated from equal parts desire for maximum deliciousness and desire to have clean, healthy inputs. I am no food snob, I love me some Kraft dinner and flavor-crystal-encrusted potato chips. But usually I eat those things once and then revert right back to what I usually eat. This weekend there was no respite, just meal after meal of it, and it felt BAD.
It brought home the reality of the present food supply in America, and exactly why public health has gotten to the state it has. It wasn’t just my intellect aware of this, it was my whole body telling me that it was displeased with the fuel it was getting.
I have plenty of access to unquestionably good food, some of it from my own back yard. I have a car and enough money. I travel. That’s nice for me, and nice for the rest of the comfortable folks in Newton who love the farmer’s markets and Whole Foods. I’m glad my access to organic foods, especially meats, is increasing, but the real trick is getting actual FOOD into the hands of people who for whatever reason are trapped in the mainstream supply chain.
I should be able to buy unadulterated peanut butter in the Walgreens. I should be able to get vegetables and unantibiotic-ed beef at Red Robin. And the chicken in my gala hotel dinner should not have the texture of cotton balls.
This morning in my inbox I found a few different links about just this sort of subject. There’s a new movie out, Food, Inc., which hopefully will get a mainstream buzz like some of the global warming ones did a few years ago. Michael Pollan is making the rounds, and some legislation is being introduced focused on school lunches. And it’s these school lunch issues that are the scariest to me. I knew that there was a bunch of junk being served in cafeterias, and I knew that kids prefer junk foods, but I didn’t realize that the latter was at this point driving the former. I knew that kids didn’t know how vegetables grow or where hamburgers come from, but I didn’t realize they couldn’t recognize lasagne as something good to eat.
onigiri / musubi & pickles
Onigiri = rice ball in Japanese, and for some reason the word musubi also means the same thing. Why there are two words i have no idea. For equally obscure reasons, people in Hawaii mostly use “musubi” especially for the spammy ones. ANYWAY. I have been making rice balls like a maniac lately, I think out of longing for the warm shores of Hawaii.
I make my rice according to JustHungry’s instructions, and I will say that you should follow these instructions to the letter. I tried a couple times to be lazy and just make short grain rice the same way I make jasmine rice, and it came out a grotesque sticky mushy mess. Be ye warned. If you sprinkle in a 1/2 tsp or less of salt per cup of rice, you can be lazier about salting the rice when you make the rice balls (see below).
The spicy mayo salmon filling I made up based on a similar spicy-tuna recipe in my Hawaiian recipe book, and is something along the lines of: 1 can salmon (ideally wild for best omega 3 nutrition), with condiments to your taste — about 1 dollop of mayo, a big squirt of sriracha sauce, a dash of chile oil, and a large sprinkling of japanese red pepper powder (could probably substitute cayenne or hot paprika). You can always make it spicier, so start small.
If you have a rice ball mold, it’s easiest, but you can do with any teacup or small bowl. Look around on or for instructional post. I made mine in the tops of these adorable little things, which both makes perfect onigiri and fulfills your daily requirement of Cute with a capital C. Thanks to Maki for finding the boxes! Basic idea is line bowl/cup/mold with saran wrap, dip your fingers in a bowl of water and spritz the wrap, then sprinkle a little bit of salt (skip if you salted the rice and are lazy). Put in about half the rice you want, enough to loosely cover the bottom of the vessel. Spoon in some filling — not too much, or it won’t be fully enclosed by the rice, but I do use more than commercially made onigiri do, and i spread it around the whole width of the rice ball, leaving about 1/4″ border. You can press down on the filling and rice a little bit with the spoon at this point to start compressing it. Add the other half of the rice on top. Wet your fingers to keep the rice from sticking to you, and pat the rice into shape. Cover the rice with the edges of the saran wrap and compress it into a tidy shape. Sometimes the best thing to do is gather the edges and twist, to tighten up the whole works at once. In any case, you are now done.
You can leave it wrapped up and take it that way for lunch, or you can transfer it to a cellowrapped piece of nori and tape it closed and carry it that way. Whatever. If you like the nori, but can’t find the fancy pre-wrapped stuff, just buy sheets of it, cut to size if necessary, and bring it along in a separate baggie, or tucked in outside the saran wrap, and wrap the rice ball in it when you are ready to eat it. It will only stay crunchy about 20 seconds after being in contact with the rice. (Sometimes nori is labeled laver, especially in white-folks markets.)
You can do them in lots of shapes: round balls, flat rounded triangles like I did, logs, etc. — just mush the rice around inside the wrap into shape. 1 cup of sushi rice made according to justhungry method made the 3 filled balls + 1 smaller ball that I brought last night to our chip tasting party.
Other fillings: tuna salad, ume/shiso paste, pickles of any kind (pat dry), canned fish of any kind, salted fish (even lox pieces), or pretty much whatever is soft, dry and flavorful enough to go in there and not make a mess. You can also mix in dried or small stuff directly to the rice, and just make a ball out of that rather than filling plain rice — you can mix in furikake, or peas, or finely chopped vegetables or spice mix, whatever.
Of course I made some Spam musubi too. The recipe in that link is pretty good and quite detailed, but bear in mind that you don’t need the furikake unless you like it, and that you can put the Spam on the bottom, top with rice, and then wrap in nori the way I did (and the way it is on Kaua’i). Also the teriyaki sauce is optional, it can be just fried Spam.
And I do suggest salting the rice while cooking for this application (1 tsp kosher salt per 2 cups rice). 2 cups sushi rice & 2.25 cups water, made according to the justhungry method, will be the perfect amount for 1 can of Spam. No need to saran wrap if you’re gonna just eat it on the spot, but to transport, wrap in saran wrap, smooth off the corners, and eat within the day. If you put extra in the fridge, just microwave for 45 seconds to un-harden the rice. The musubi mold does make this really easy, but if you don’t have one, use same principles of compress-rice-through-saranwrap as above to get the general log-shape. Or try using the Spam can, as one of the commenters suggests on that instruction post. My Spam musubi above is cut into four slices, for serving as an appetizer at a party.
For the pickles, slice cucumber and radish (daikon is good if you have it, regular radishes tint everything a pretty pink, you can do cuke alone, radish alone, or whatever… carrots are nice with radish if you feel like it, etc.) and sprinkle with kosher salt so that every piece gets a little salt. Then stuff ’em into a container, shake ’em around and let ’em sit for a while. If you’re in a rush, you can just add the vinegar right away, but i think sitting for 30 mins with the salt makes them nicer. Anyway, pour rice vinegar into the container so the veg are almost covered. Let sit 30-60 mins. After that, good to eat and will keep in fridge for at least a week. To vary, you can add a tsp of sugar and/or chili pepper and/or 1 or more sliced garlic cloves to the mix.
Go forth and eat delicious Japanese lunches!
shave ice
We both seem to have developed a preference for lychee + liliko’i + li hing mui syrup on the ice, with vanilla ice cream underneath, or mac nut ice cream if it’s available, and azuki beans too if the mood strikes.
Aoki’s on the North Shore of O’ahu is so far the absolute pinnacle of the shave ice arts that we have tried. Holy cow. Absolutely perfect in every way. Superfine ice, really fresh, true-tasting syrups, good quality ice cream. yum yum. Someday when I have a couple of extra hours I am sure I will slog the line at Matsumoto’s next door just to try it, but there’s really no point. I can waltz right up to the counter at Aoki’s and be drowning in yum before any of those poor suckers get through the door at Matsumoto’s.
At Aoki’s we had vanilla ice cream, azuki beans, and liliko’i, lychee and li hing mui syrup. NOM NOM NOM.
Trader Joe’s snacks continue to win: dark chocolate chile-salt dried mango
While scoring my latest tub of Trader Joe dark chocolate covered salt almonds, I ran across a similar tub of dark chocolate covered chile-spiced dried mango with salt. Far be it from me to resist such a thing.
And lo, it was good.
Sweet, chewy, chocolatey-bitter, and solid in both heat and salt. Hell yes. YUM.
nom nom nom nom whee! Mr. Haegar here i come
chicken pozole
A long time ago, I ordered some dried posole corn from Rancho Gordo, and I’ve been trying to find the right opportunity to score some low-rent pig parts and make the delicious soup, but it just never comes around right somehow. And it’s been long enough that I’ve started to worry about the integrity of that corn — it would be just wrong to let it go stale and rancid.
So this morning, when I found myself with the remains of a roast chicken in the refrigerator, and a gray, rainy, cold spring morning making me shut all the windows and think happy soup thoughts, I thought maybe I could make a chicken-based pozole instead of the traditional pork-based one.
I consulted Rick Bayless’s recipes for ranchero chicken soup and pork pozole rojo, and came up with the following method.
Pick the chicken carcass, saving the meat for the soup later, and put it in the stock pot with one onion (peeled but left whole and thrown in also), some peppercorns and a teaspoon of Mexican oregano, then bring to a boil and simmer as usual for the few hours it usually takes.
Put the posole corn into a pot with about 4 quarts of water (I used my larger saucepan) and a head of garlic, cloves peeled and halved. Bring this to a boil, then reduce heat for a low simmer, partially covered. Rick says 5 hours for dried corn, so that’s what we’ll do. (Actually it took more like 7 or 8, but whatevs.)
Soak the guajillo chiles in hot posole water until soft, then puree… strain into corn and liquid, then put in broth, add salt, and simmer 1 hour. Put the pulled chicken in. Top with radishes, cabbage or lettuce, chopped onion, tortillas or tortilla chips, lots of lime to squeeze in, and maybe a li’l guacamole.
new kittehs!
Sorry to have been AWOL for a while. We adopted 3 new kittykats and they’ve been keeping us busy! Two of them are fostered strays, and they’re taking a lot of time — it’s been a week, and our main victories have been getting them to eat and getting them to come out from under the chair for a few seconds at a time. The other one is a ball of fire, only 1.5 years old and still mostly kitten. As far as he is concerned, the Best Game EVAR is to chase the little wire+paper toy around and around and over and around the bed, until he’s panting and falls over. (I have never heard a cat pant like a dog before — it’s pretty damn funny, I have to say.)
The way all this relates to food is that little Mr. Ball-of-Fire also loves to eat. When he’s not playing, he’s crying in hopes we’ll give him some more food. But he’s a little bit, how should we say, well-upholstered already, and the shelter folks said we should put him on a diet to keep him healthy.
So we bought the light kibble, and we’re giving him only the amount it says for weight loss in a cat his size — which of course means he acts like we are starving him to death at all times. His bowl is always empty, because when food goes in, he macks it down as fast as he can. If we drink milk or eat something meaty, he’s all over that like white on rice.
And I totally feel his pain, because I know just how much dieting sucks when you love to eat.
But the one good thing about it is that by being in charge of keeping our little tons-of-fun on a diet is that it keeps me in mind of my own need to show a little restraint. And that coinciding with the onset of spring and the return of vegetables may just be good for me. Let’s hope so!
boston burger wars
We got a hot tip from a pal that someone at the Boston Globe had gone so far as to say that a new Cambridge burger place had the closest thing to In-N-Out on the east coast. Obviously we were going to check THIS sort of thing out in detail.
The place in question is Flat Patties, a spot in the Harvard Square Garage that appears to be run by the same people who run Felipe’s Taqueria, which I’ve heard good things about but never yet tried. The folks behind the counter are friendly, and the burger is good, but in our highly unofficial head-to-head competition with Four Burgers in Central Square, they went down hard.
No contest. That Four Burgers burger is pretty damn close to In-N-Out, actually, and has tons of burger flavor. I didn’t even put ketchup on, and I ketchup the hell out of burgers as a general rule. I have no idea what J. Kenji Alt was smoking that day, when he called it flat and flavorless.
In fact, that was the main gripe I had with the otherwise perfectly nice Flat Patties burger: it lacked flavor, even with Swiss and avocado and “special sauce”. I ketchuped the thing, then put on relish.
Given that Four Burgers also had better fries, Coke Zero in the fountain, AND sources their meat from crunchy granola safe-meat farms, it’s a no brainer for me: the superior burger can be had at Four Burgers. If you’re in Harvard Square, by all means have a Flat Patties, but for the closest thing to In-N-Out, you gotta go one more stop inbound on that Red Line.